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MOM 31/05/2019
Last Updated 5 years ago

Meeting Minutes – [NRNA Support]
Meeting Information
Objective: NRNA support guideline discussion
Date: 31/05/2019 Location: Nepal, India
Time: 11:30 AM Meeting Type: Skype Teleconference Call
Attendees: Maheshji, Rupakji (NRNA) Prakash, Uday (TechCapro)

1 Support from techcapro will be start from 01/06/2019
2 Support includes daily operations and technical support, user guides
documentation, Level 1 admin knowledge transfer
3 Create separate admin credentials for NRNA team
4 Primary contact for tech support from NRNA will be Maheshji
5 There will be weekly call on Friday for 30-45 min for status update of support tickets
6 There will be support system for initialize and track of tickets, which credentials will be
shared by uday

Other Notes & Information
Need to work on below mentioned points
 Pagination -
 Email issue
Members profile photos location and file name identification
 NRNA team required assistance in migration of existing NRNA websites to drupal -
Azure hosting
 For super member view NRNA team required multilevel validation and another view for

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